Client Satisfaction Survey * Your Full Name * Your Email * How did you learn about the firm? Friend or Colleague Our website or the Internet Another law office or court Other * Did the professionals you dealt with make it their business to understand what was special and unique about you and your company? Yes. Not really. Absolutely not. * Did our lawyers listen carefully to what you had to say and what you wanted? Yes. Not really. Absolutely not. Did our lawyers and staff make you feel as if you were important to them? Yes Not really Absolutely not Did our lawyers and staff make an attempt to be helpful to you beyond the specifics of their assignment? Yes Not really Absolutely not * Did our attorneys avoid confusing legal jargon when communicating with you? Yes, they explained things in a simple and comprehensive manner. It was very difficult to understand their legal jargon. I did not understand a thing. * Was your attorney accessible and available when you needed him, and if not, did he return your calls and/or messages within 24 hours? Yes, he was available and returned all my calls and messages within 24 hours. Yes, he was available but didn’t return my calls and/or messages within 24 hours. I had some difficulties to contact my lawyer and he didn’t return my calls and/or messages within 24 hours. I couldn’t get in touch with my lawyer. Did we give you good explanations of what we were doing in your case and why? Yes, it was explained clearly. Yes, but it wasn’t explained properly. Not really. Nobody explained anything to me. Did our attorneys let you know in advance what they were going to do? Yes. No. Did our lawyers involve you at major points in the engagement? Yes, they did. I believe they didn’t always involve me in deciding major points in the engagement. They never involved me in decision-making. Did our team keep you sufficiently informed on progress? Yes, I was informed regularly throughout the case. I wasn’t sufficiently informed. I was informed only if I requested it. I was never informed. Did you ever feel your lawyer substituted his own judgment for yours on what needed to be done? No. Sometimes. Most times. Always. Did your attorney help you understand what was going on and help you reach your own conclusion, rather than tell you what to do? Yes. No. Was our billing process properly explained to you and was your billing statement accurate? Yes. Sometimes. No. Did your bill clearly document the work and activities done for you? Yes. Sometimes. No. Compared to other law firms you have worked with, how would you classify our rates and fees? Fair. Above market value. Below market value. Did we keep our promises on deadlines? Always. Most times. Sometimes. Never Overall, how would you rate your experience with out law firm:? Very satisfying. Satisfying. Unsatisfying. I will never go back. Would you recommend our services? Yes. No. Maybe. Absolutely not. How can we improve to serve you better?