General terms and conditions:
All documents you provide us will be treated as confidential. However, this does not establish a client-attorney relationship, nor does it imply acceptance of representation by our firm, attorneys, or staff, nor responsibility of any sort.
All appointments and consultations (via online platform or telephone) are priced as follows:
First consultation:
Up to 15 minutes: (free of charge).
Second consultation and onwards:
15 minutes: L 750.00
30 minutes: L 1,500.00
60 minutes: L 2,500.00
All excess time is billed in 15 minutes increments at a cost of L 750.00 per quarter of an hour.
The appointment must be paid in full prior to the in person or virtual meeting.
If you need to reschedule your appointment, please let us know before the time and date set by writing to us at or let us know via WhatsApp message to: +504 9583-1902 / 3182-0898.
The advice provided by our attorneys is intended to orientate the potential client regarding the legal actions available or the legal implications of a certain course of action. Such advice is based exclusively on the information and documents provided by the potential client and, therefore, the Firm, our lawyers and staff are not responsible for any inaccuracies or advice provided using partial or incomplete information.
In any case and for all purposes, the global and maximum amount of responsibility of our firm, our partners, lawyers and staff is limited, and shall not exceed by any means, the amount paid by the potential client to schedule a meeting.